








The abstract ability training towards materials and forms in exhibition design

發布日期:2015-09-09     瀏覽:592

Forms abstract ability training can avoid the limitations and rules brought by the concretization and exhibition design materials. From ancient Greek philosophers to nowadays designers and artist, they commonly believes that all objects can be reduced to some meta abstractness forms combined by sphere, cone and cubes, these abstract shapes can cast triangular and square projections on the plane, we can research through the most simple shapes relations like that between circles, squares etc. to training our abstractness abilities from geometric shapes or concrete object images.

When observe under the unconventional perspective, we get new vision images from the objects, the new exhibition design vision image can derives many special ingredients which help bring more possibilities for booth design creation, common vision adjustments rules includes below : no limit to the special vision degree but changing to another one to watch another side of the object, to discover the inner object for its hidden essences, no use the human eye for watching but relying on the copier etc equipments to amplify it a few times larger to make it outstandingly observable in another special form, Rudolf Arnheim proposed two procedures when he once discussed the object forms: one is the mastery to the key issues to something in a category, the second point is the construction of the dynamic forms in exhibition design, to grasp the overall structure, thus gained the new vision images.

Some commonly saw objects shows different booth effect pictures when viewed under different vision assumptions, some part of the object departed from the original symbolization system to become more outstanding and vital in our imagination, caused the unique significant vision reactions besides achieved the final non-object exhibition booth effect images when translated from original concretes to abstractness, although there will be big gaps between the new connotations of object image, vision effect and that of the origins, but it still always can preserves to the original object Symbols hints, extract the Organic ingredients from the decompressed new vision factors, then continually make it more robust, to achieve the final jumping mutations and surprising performance, to seize the key essential relations between elements, and produce different structure forms from derivations, evolutions, deduction, induction procedures, thus gain the final creativities and inspirations.


上一頁 The materials glossiness beauty in exhibition space design下一頁 The time consideration for decoration materials in a expo/exhibition design