The materials glossiness beauty in exhibition space design
發布日期:2015-09-10 瀏覽:438
The Light is the prerequisites for presenting different exhibition material beauties, without it, the materials cant fully embodies its inner beauties, the light degrees, strengths , colors are all these factors which affect the final materials beauties, it can both outline the colors differences and glossiness differences.
The material light happened where the material surface reflected Light distributed in the design space, which can be visually caught by human eyes, the exhibition materials glossiness were mainly caused by feedbacks in psychology and physiology, then the emotions and associates bringing the aesthetic experiences, it can be divided into transparent materials and opaque ones based on the material light sensibility, the transparent materials were directly be penetrated after being lighted to become semi-transparent and transparent. They outline its feature by reflecting the surrounding environments, thus achieves light, fresh, wide feeling, while the semi transparent ones causes hazy beauties.
When lighted, the exhibition design materials light can be divided into directed reflection light and diffuse reflection light categories by its reflection feature, the former behaves in a obvious regularity when after reflecting, it gives people vivid feeling by its tight relations to the surrounding environment. Such as the light found on a polished marble, a polished metal section, a shiny plastics surface, or a glaze materials, these sort of materials often turns to be monotonous and opaque in surface, but present the sharp light to dark contrasts with a obvious highlight spot on it after being lighted, while Diffuse reflection exhibition materials diffuses to 360 degrees all around, these sorts of materials often turns to be coarse in surface, or with random particle microstructures in the surface, when after being lighted it present a matte or dark status with a weaker highlight spot, often gives people plain, implicit, peaceful and steady feeling, such as those can be found at rubble stone, lumber surface, concrete, rubber, or in plastics, these materials were mainly concerned by expressing its self features.